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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How To Disable Loading Images in Google Chrome!!!

Google Chrome Logo
Browsing the internet with images disabled is very useful when connected to net connected via GPRS.This is also an handy option to browse internet with limited bandwidth or to hide all unnecessary media content while browsing at work place.

The availability of this option is very much straight forward in Firefox & IE, but Chrome users has no direct option to disable the images, has to use command line switches.


Google Chrome Command Line Switches

With the help of a desktop shortcut and the command line switches, we can very well achieve launching Chrome in a Image Disabled Mode.
–disable-images (command line switch to turns off all images displayed on web pages)
All you need to do is to follow these simple steps:
1) Create copy of Google Chrome Shortcut on your desktop (either by copy & pasting your existing desktop shortcut or by right clicking on the chrome icon available in Start Menu and choosing the option Send To -> Desktop)
2) Rename the new Chrome shortcut to “Google Chrome – Disable Images” for differentiating the normal Google Chrome shortcut with disable images mode shortcut
Google Chrome- Disable Images
3) Right click on the newly created shortcut and select Properties
4) Navigate to Target textbox and append -disable-images in the existing command text(note that there should be at least one space between chrome.exe & -disable-images)
Google Chrome Properties
5) Click on OK to save the changes.
Your shortcut to launch Google Chrome in image disable mode by default is ready! From now onwards you can use this short and browse the net without any worry of saving your limited data plan.

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