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Monday, February 4, 2013

How To Hide Facebook Profile From Google Search Engine

how to hide facebook profile to google search engine
Hide Your Facebook Profile from Search Engines
 Anyone want to hide your Facebook profile from major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and ASK? If yes, this guide will help you to hide your Facebook profile from major search engines. We all know that Facebook is a top brand among all the social networking sites, and have Alexa rank #1 with Google PageRank(PR) 10/10. Therefore, all the major search engines like Google indexed almost every page of Facebook, including your profile page, and brings into the first or second page. Everyone can find to anyone via Google search by searching with their name. In addition, many people who don't want to expose their profile into Google search engine, and don't want to get unwanted friend requests. If you are one of them, you can prevent your Facebook profile to get listed on Google. Therefore, here is a guide to hide Facebook profile on search engines

like Google.

You may find us on Google search by typing "Mohammad Shadab". I hope you will find our Facebook timeline profile on the first page in the third position. Below is a live preview for this search.

Shadab facebook profile on google
My Facebook Profile on 3rd Position in Fron Page of Google

In Yahoo, my Facebook profile page got 2nd position in the front page with the same query.

Hiding Facebook Profile from Major Search Engines as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask

  1. Sign into Facebook Account.
  2. Click here on Privacy Setting.
  3. Click on Edit your settings under Apps and Websites. See the preview,
    hide facebook profile in google
  4. Click on Edit Settings under Public search. See the preview,

    hide facebook profile
  5. Unchecked Enable public search under Public search. See the preview:

    Once you unchecked, then in the next pop up window, you have to click on Confirm. Now it will take some time to hide your Facebook profile from search engines.

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