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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Facebook Scam – John Cena of WWE died in a head injury while training![Solution]

Hackers are always brilliant, they always try to hack our personal details from Gmail, Facebook, twitter and etc. This time it is from Facebook. Today there is new scam comment has spread to hack Facebook accounts. Here is the details of the comment and Solution to the users who clicked that.
fb scam comment
If you are getting a comment like the below image in your posts,
 you should not click on that. It is the scam that i told. ["John Cena of WWE died in a head injury while training! Watch the original video clip here >>>" This is the appears the comment]
If your friends also getting this kind of comments means tell them to remove the comment.
What will Happen if you click ?
If you click, it will goto a Facebook group,In that one link will be there. If you click on that it will goto tumblr website video, it will say “player not supported”.
If you click on that it will ask you to login to your Facebook account. Once you click on that your Facebook account will be hacked.
People who clicked the link should change the Facebook password immediately. Or else you will lose your personal details in Facebook. 

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