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Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Lock PC temporarily when someone enter wrong password

Most of us saved our Important data and files on our computer. 

we away from our PC, somebody may log in into our system by guessing the password. To avoid this situation we can lock our PC temporarily by using "Windows Security Settings". By using this option, our PC will lock automatically if someone enters the wrong password more than the number of times specified. This will make the password hard to be guessed. If the person enters more than 3 wrong passwords, PC will get locked for the next 30 Minutes.

How to do this:


>>Click on Start button

>>Type Local Security Policy in Search

>>Now Click on "Local Security Policy"

>>From left window pane expand Account Policies

>>Then Double click on Account Lockout Policy

>>After that Double click on Account Lockout threshold.

>>Now a new window will appear.

>>In that window give the value after how many invalid password login attempts you want to lock your PC.

>>Now click on Apply.

Then Click OK

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