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Saturday, April 13, 2013

How to Control your Google account after you Death!!!

Do you know what will happen to your Google account after you death?  No one can answer this question but the Google introduces new feature called Inactive Manager,  that allows you to control your Google account after you death.

Using Inactive Account Manager, you can set time out period when your account will be inactive, and also can add up to 10 trusted friends who should be notified that your account is inactive.

If you provide your mobile number and email id Google will alert you before 1 month of your time out period. You can set minimum 3 months as your timeout period maximum 1 year.

And also you can delete your Google account entirely after your timeout period by enabling delete option, Google will  delete all Google products associated with this account including YouTube videos, Blogger and Google+ posts. 

Click here to go to Google's Inactive Manages

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