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Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to recover xp password if the default administrator account is also protected?

Sometimes, you may set a password on the default admin account to enhance security, you also forgot its password. What can you do now?
Step 1. Download a boot CD, such as Windows Password Recovery Tool Professional, from the Internet. This type of boot CD has a password reset program that can be used to recover the Administrator password in XP.
Step 2. Install and run that application program.

Step 3. Burn the boot CD (which comes in

a writable ISO file format) to a blank CD.
Step 4. Take the boot CD that you have burned and insert it into the computer whose Administrator password needs to be reset. Start the computer and boot from the CD.
Step 5. Choose the password reset option in the boot CD. This option will be located differently depending on what type of boot CD you choose, but in each case the general process for launching it will be the same.
Step 6. Select the Administrator account as the account you wish to modify and choose to either reset the password or completely remove it.
Step 7. Restart the computer and allow it to boot to the operating system. Log in to the operating system on the Administrator account using the new password you have chosen.

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