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Thursday, February 7, 2013

How To Remove or Modify The ARROWS from the Shortcut Icons?

Somebody Hurts The Arrorws In The Desktop Shortcut's. Here The simple steps to remove the Arrows in Shortcut icons.


1.Type regedit. or go to run and
type regedit.


2. Navigate
Version>Explorer>Shell icons.

3.Create a new string value under
this key by right clicking and
name it as 29

4.Set its value to C:\WINDOWS

5.Close the Registry editor, and
restart your computer for
changes to take effect

Note :its depend on ur os that it is
full version or not and it will not
work in win_8 and plz do this
work carefully bcus in this post u
r dealing with ur os current
windows registry so plz work
care fully if u dnt take it srusly u
will causes loss of ur registry and
error may attack ur os... 

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