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Friday, February 8, 2013

How To compress 1 GB data in 10 MB!!!

Data Compression Improves The Efficiency Of The data sharing.Her The technique How to Compress The !GB Data Into 10 MB

" How to Compress 1GB data to

10MB", it is a


compression tool

like winrar or alzip but the

capacity of compression is

much better than any other

compression tool. It can

compress your 1GB data to just

10MB. I was having trouble to

compress my 2GB operating

system in a CD which has

capacity of 700MB, and then

in Google it and found the tool

and here you follow some steps

to do the same!!!!

Effectiveness: -

Using this method i compressed

 OS which is up to

1.9GB to 19MB. It will help you

for sure!!

What is it: -

It is a compression tool called

KGB Archiver.

It is an open source

compression tool like Alzip and

winrar but the compression

rate is much better then any

other compression tool. It uses

AES-256 encryption to encrypt

archives . The disappointing

thing with KGB Archiver is due

to its high compression rate its


hardware requirements is

high (Recommend processor

with 1.5 GHz clock and MB RAM)

and compression and

decompression process is time


Strength: -

Very high compression power

with very accurate result and no

loss of data.

Weakness: -

Due to high compression rate,

the time requires to compress

and decompress the file is high.

Download link on first cmnt.

Download Link:

                         CLICK HERE TO DONLOAD

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