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Saturday, September 8, 2012

How Big Is a Yottabyte!!!

Did you hear the word Yottabyte? If your answer no Yottabyte is a storage space like KB, MB, GB. Do you want to know How Big is a Yottabyte and how much cost to buy a Yotabyte disk space? Here the simple infographic designed by BackBlaze tells answers for these questions.

1000 GB = 1 Terabyte (TB)
1000 TB = 1 Petabyte (PB)
1000 PB = 1 Exabyte (EB)
1000 EB = 1 Zettabyte (ZB)
1000 ZB = 1 Yottabyte (YB)
In other words, a Yottabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 GB.

Designed by - blog.backblaze.com

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