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Saturday, September 22, 2012

How To Grant Access to Your Gmail Account To Others Without Sharing Password ?

Gmail gives great services to its users. One of the great feature is you can grant access toyour account to others without sharing your password. So the other person can’t change any settings or password. also can’t chat from your gmail account. Read the post to enable this feature.
1. Log-in to your gmail account and click Settings.
2. Now in “Accounts and Import” tab and come to “Grant access to your account” section and click “Add another account


3. Now enter the email id of the person to whom you gonna give the access. and clickNext Step
4. In next page click Send Email to grant access
5. Now the person who got the access from you will get an email like the below image. in that he/she have to click accept link.
6. After 30 minutes  the person who got the access can log-in to your account. To do this, he/she have to log-in to his/her account, and have to click his/her name in the top-right of the page. Below his/her email id they can see another email id with the word delegated. If they click on that id, they can access your account.
7. If that person is sending an email from your account means, the receiver will get his email id in “sent by” section. So they can’t miss use your account.

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